Our GOSHI-SHUN Training Reigi (Etiquette Rules)

  • Always conduct yourself in the most respectful and most honorable manner. There is no substitute for respect!
  • Do not accept disrespect from anyone, especially in a martial arts training area, or Dojo.
  • Always bow (Rei) and say “Ush!” to show respect when entering a martial arts training area, or Dojo.
  • Always remove your foot apparel when entering a Dojo.
  • No food, gum, candy, tobacco, drugs, herbs, medicinals, or beverages are allowed in the training area without the expressed permission of the Principal Instructor.
  • Always properly place your clothing and property away from the martial arts training area. You are responsible for properly securing your property. Lock it!
  • Always wear the proper training apparel:
    • Remove, and secure all removable jewelry. Protect, and securely cover all non-removable jewelry. Notify all training partners and instructors of all non-removed jewelry.
    • Clean, neat and un-tattered Gi with the proper insignia only.
    • Clean and proper protective and supportive undergarments.
    • Neat, un-tattered, and properly tied Obi (do not wash your Obi).
    • Clean and neatly pleated Hakama (when determined by your Sensei).
    • Clean and neat sweat band or head band.
    • Clean, neat and properly functional Protective Equipment.
    • Properly functioning, neat and clean martial arts shoes, martial arts socks, sandals, or appropriate slippers.
  • Always implore good hygiene. Cleanliness is essential, in body, mind and spirit!!!
  • Do not wear perfumes, parfumes, colognes, or scented body oils or fragrances to Keiko (training).
  • Long hair must be restrained, covered, or tied.
  • Nails must be neatly trimmed and short.
  • Contact lenses must be removed from your eyes, if you have them. You must use safety glasses, or safety goggles if you are visually impaired.
  • All prosthesis, dental work, prosthetics, implants etc. must be securely protected from danger and potential danger to you and your training partners.
  • Always inform Sensei, Instructors, and all training partners if you have training restrictions, or limitations, especially due to health reasons, or previous injuries.
  • You should always bow out of (do not engage in) activities which you believe will cause harm, or damage to you, another participant, or the facility. You must be willingly engaged in all of the activities which you participate in. You assume the total personal responsibility for all of the consequences related to your actions.
  • You must immediately notify the Sensei and/or the presiding instructor of all injuries to people, or damages to property as soon as they occur.
  • Immediately cease training activities in the presence of strangers, until they are identified by the Sensei or Instructor as welcome visitors.
  • Be respectful, polite, hospitable, pleasant, accommodating, honorable, and reasonable with our guests.
  • Always have your martial arts practice weapons in the highest state of order and maintenance. Do not bring dirty or malfunctioning weapons to Keiko.
  • Always carry your martial arts practice weapons to and from Keiko in a proper and closed weapons case.
  • Never engage in Keiko or enter a martial arts training area if you are under the influence of any mind or behavior altering condition or substance, such as licit or illicit drugs (prescribed or not), alcohol, performance enhancing substances (including anabolic steroids), herbal intoxicants, sleep deprivation, caffeine jolt, etc.
  • Always bow and say “Ush!” to show respect when entering the Tatami, or Tami (the training area floor).
  • Always wait to be recognized by the Sensei or Instructor before setting foot on the Tami, if you enter the training area after Keiko has started.
  • Always walk around behind the last line of students, furthest away from the Shomen (front of the training floor) when entering or crossing the Tami, if you enter late or exit for any reason.
  • Always enter the Tami with your left foot first.
  • Always bow and say “Ush!” to show respect to your martial arts training instructor(s), when arriving or departing.
  • Always bow and say “Ush!” to show respect to your martial arts training partners when arriving or departing.
  • Recognize and always address all martial arts participants, during martial arts activities, by their properly recognized name (-San) and title within the GOSHI-SHUN System (i.e., Kohai, Sempai, Sensei, Master, Shihan, Grand Master).
  • Use the proper name and title, for the corresponding system, when addressing martial artists of other systems, during martial arts activities.
  • Use the word “Hai” to mean yes or show agreement.
  • Use the word “Doomo” to mean thank you. Use this frequently.
  • The word “Matte” means wait, or do not begin yet.
  • The word “Yame!” means STOP Immediately!
  • The word “Iie” means no.
  • Arrive prior to the Keiko start time, so that you can change into the proper uniform, warm up your body, prepare the training area, and prepare your mind.
  • The most senior student present is responsible for ensuring that the training area is safe, and prepared, before Keiko can begin.
  • The floor must be cleaned.
    • Obstructions must be removed.
    • Unsafe conditions must be rectified.
    • Flags must be displayed (where appropriate).
    • Sensei’s sandals must be in proper order.
    • Designated emblems and symbols must be in proper order.
    • Student’s attitude must be in proper order! Preferably in proper meditation.
  • Always sit in descending rank order, with the highest ranking student closest to the training area or Dojo entrance.
  • Formal Class will always begin with our formal Opening Ceremony.
  • Always obey the instructions of the Sensei.
    • Always wait for the Sensei to tell you when to begin a demonstrated activity.
    • Two loud successive claps from the Sensei means stop what you are doing and direct your attention to the Sensei.
    • Never stand when the Sensei is sitting, unless given expressed permission.
  • The word “Hijime” or “Jime” from the Sensei means begin the activity.
  • Begin your activities using the same side (the reflection) as the Sensei or Instructor uses to demonstrate the activity, when you are lined up facing the Shomen. The Sensei’s right side actions should be reflected by your left side actions.
  • Begin actions with the right side when in a semi-circle, circle, triangle, square, or other formation, unless instructed by the Sensei or Instructor to do otherwise.
  • Begin stepping, walking, rolling, and forward foot motion training with the left foot forward, unless instructed otherwise by the Sensei or Instructor.
  • Never talk or utter out of turn during Keiko. Get the attention of the Sensei by raising your hand, or calmly approaching them and making direct eye contact then bowing. Wait for the Sensei to acknowledge you before you speak.
  • Conversations between students should be kept to a necessary minimum during Keiko. Questions should be directed to the Sensei, Instructor, or Sempai.
  • Never sit with your back to the Shomen.
  • Never turn your back on the Sensei (teacher).
  • Never turn your back on your martial arts training partner.
  • Formal Class will always end with our formal Closing Ceremony.
  • Always bow and say “Ush!” to show respect when exiting the training area.
  • Never turn your back on the Tami while entering or exiting.
  • Do not wear your martial arts uniform in the street, or in other public unsanctioned locations without the expressed permission of the Principal Instructor.
  • Do not display or demonstrate your martial arts practice weapons in the street, or in other public unsanctioned locations. They are not to be played with!!
  • Do not demonstrate your martial arts in the street, or in other unsanctioned public locations.
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